Minggu, 16 November 2008

Tyersall House #13


After yesterday's high tech airport panorama shot, back to the other end of the spectrum.
Another decaying shot fr
Tyersall House #13 by DanielKHC.
om my favorite abandoned house of Singapore, Istana Woodneuk. This house is quite big, so I am not done with it yet!

For the little history, this house was first built in 1854, and was known as "Tyersall House". In 1860, a Malay sultan took over the property and the house was demolished. The new house, Istana Woodneuk ("istana" means "palace" in Malay) was built in 1890 and completed 2 years later. In 1905, it was badly burnt because of faulty electrical wiring. This house has been abandoned since 1907.

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